Friday, April 23, 2010

I have been having the most incredible expeiences lately.  I have attracted so many phenomenal people and favorable circumstances.  I am a very gracious receiver, and now a true believer in the miracles that can happen when you simply ask and communicate what is in your heart to your angels.  I have been calling meetings with my spirit guides, the Archangels, the Goddess Dieties, and all benevolent, loving, intra and intergalactic beings willing to come to my assistance.  I am very much feeling Divine Flow today.  :)  My prayers are becoming answered and manifested in the form of joy, inspiration, and beauty right before my very eyes. 

I feel so blessed and I was ready, and I am working again.  This is something that is truly exciting for me because I feel the possibilities are so vast and I have the potential to learn so much, meet so many different people, and create an abundance of wealth for myself so I can finance and experience all the wonderful alternative healing modalities out there.  I currently have a really exceptional water purifier in mind.  It is 4,000 but I believe I deserve it.  I really love my new club I am dancing at- the girls have been nice, the management is charismatic, and it is a busy place that attratcs the wealthy and influential.  I feel like I will meet many who will help me on my path. I am really really happy, and I am saving a lot of money.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I got a lot done yesterday for school.  I was on campus almost all day doing work in the library and meeting with my counselor to discuss my career goals.  I am excited because I found out I may very well be graduating on stage this year.  :)  I even wandered into the Health Services Building and scheduled an appointment for a physical exam on Monday.  :)  I want to take advantage that it is a free service to students.  I want to ask them if I could to get my blood tested because i need to know if my raw diet is working for me.  I'm taking math with Ch1ang again, I love that lady.  :)  She's awesome.

Yesterday was the aries new moon and I really felt in tune with the earth changes that occured.  I felt invigorated to get things accomplished all day, and the day before that I actually experienced an emotional detoxing.  I made some invocations last night to manifest my current desires.  Anyway, today has been wonderful.  I woke up to a flurry of dreams, the best one being about a pair of excited bears in the forest.  I love my bear dreams.  :)  Then I went outside to soak up some morning sun, and breathe in the life giving prana of my backyard.  I ran for 30 minutes to get my lymph flowing, then I made a chard salad.  =)  

I can't help but think it's funny that i had 3 poos today- and it's not even lunchtime yet LOL.  I had my morning poo, then I had my post exercise poo, and then my post chard salad poo.  lols.   I'm going to get ready now, I have a map printed up to explore the Sepulveda Dam.  I'm on a quest to discover mother natures secret life, I have an anatomy test to study for, a wildlife habitat and native plant garden to explore, and some deep thinking & dreaming to do.  :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's been an action-packed week for me.  =)  On Tuesday me & Ng4n left for San Diego with Mark.  We spent 2 nights at Thy's apartment.  I had so much fun in La Jolla.  I had some time to myself in the mornings to go for a nature walk around her beautiful apartment complex.  You wouldn't believe how clean and fresh the air down there is.  It was very cleansing for me, meditating as I lay soaking up sun on the deck.  The highlight of the trip for me besides the time I  had to spend with my cousins was:  going to Dave & Busters, trying carne asada fries, visiting the farmers market at UCSD (I even got to enjoy some delicious raw vegan food!  Such as turmeric zucchini pasta and spicy black bean hummus!), tanning by the pool, tanning at Pacific Beach and having a seafood lunch there, & going for a night walk with Thy and visiting the Mormon church.  

I have really fallen in love with the idea of living at a beachside community.  I just love the ambient energies of the ocean.  I feel so alive there- i love the people and how everyone is just in a laid back mood to have some fun under the sun.  Lately the idea of moving to a sea side area has crossed my mind, and I feel excited about the thought.  I want to stay someplace that gets plenty of sunshine and where I can spend time on the beach, I have been daydreaming about Hawaii, but after my trip to visit Thy, I have fallen in love with La Jolla as well.  =) 

Anyways my cousin Ha1 Tr1eu got married on Saturday.  I was one of the bridesmaids.  His wife is beautiful, and she is really nice.  I think she is super purdy and very poised.  I look up to her.  I just really am impressed by her beauty and the way she carries herself.  The ceremony was at St. Josephs, and it was beautiful.  I even cried while they were reading to each other their vows.  But my favorite part was their wedding dinner.  It was very large.  The decorations were amazing, the theme was purple and pink.  The food was REALLY good, as wedding food always is.  We had a wonderful dinner at Seafood Kingdom in OC. There was much dancing and celebrating.  I feel like my family is so much closer because of their communion. I can feel it all around me and see it all around me.  =)

Monday, April 5, 2010

There's something magical about today.  :)  I woke up after a series of dreams that included three good friends from the past.  All I can say is, i've never had more romantic dreams in my life LOL.  Riding bicycles through the autumn forest with Br1an, sharing frosted brownies with Jas0n(the one who helped me carry my groceries home<3), and being hand fed raw shrimp on my bed by J0van?  Oh myyyyyyy lawdy. DUDE.  lol.  umm.  I was all smiles this morning. :)  What a treat from my subconscious.  :)

So i woke up to cloudy gray skies, but in high spirits.  Because i'm going to San Diego tonight with Crystal  .:)  This is a wonderful holistic retreat for me.  I am excited to spend time with my cousin, explore San Diego, visit Thy, experience new realities in every waking moment, get some much needed heliotherapy from sun at the beach, and breath in that fresh, wonderful, clean S.D. air.  I am happy to be a live, :]

Anyways I have been watching the clouds fly by for about 2 hours.  It's so magical because when I started playing my incan-andean music, it started raining heavily.  Then ever since the clouds have been moving in the sky and now I can see a bright blue sky and beautiful yellow sunshine.  I have actually been watching this weather show form my window, and I have noticed that I have been watched by the birds lately.  I feel bubbly inside about this- the fact that I am watched by the birds sitting on the wire outside.  :)  Anyway I have fallen in love with the sounds of the pan flute.  The sounds are so wonderfully healing, and it carries my spirit to higher, magical lands.  I can feel my energy shifting upon last nights new moon (unseen and hidden behind the clouds).  I also noticed I woke up to a stream of clear thinking solutions coming to me, and wonderfully practical insights.  All the questions and knowledge I have been seeking has been delivered to me with unbelievable timing.  Something amazing is happening to me.  I am transforming. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I just experienced a profound moment in sacred space & time.  I was listening to a beautiful native american song called "I will fight no more". I was also reading an article/ message from the Pleiadians: "The Fullness & Sweetness of Your Days".  And as I read a part of it, it's sweetness struck a chord in me, and I cried:

"You are coming to maturity. You are coming to be full in your blossom, full in your vibrancy, full in your seed. The fullness and the ripeness, the sweetness of your own being the beings that you would be a bit nostalgic for, that would almost be something like an ache inside of your being when you look back at these times."

I felt an overwhelming love for me, It swept me away, that never In my life had I stopped to fully appreciate the being I am today, in this physical body.  I looked at my own hands and held my fingers and rubbed my palms, with wonder and awe, and appreciation, as if for the first time. I felt a consciousness awareness energy flow through my entire body and warm my soul- with an overflowing, conscious, awakening consciousness, and pure divine love, for myself as I am.  And upon reading more, I cried more, 

"What will happen is that you will reach a point, and you are quite near this point, when you overload the circuitry of the planet. There will have to be a shift, a tilt to take it to a greater state of awareness. There will come a time, we guarantee it, where there will be mass group exiting off the planet. Mass death. These groups tend to bring about an alteration of consciousness. Those who remain upon the planet in physical reality are those who will alter the structure of the planet."

And there, I cried for myself, knowing that I am one of the brave souls that volunteered to dedicate a lifetime on Earth to help raise her consciousness, as a service to the Divine, and to educate my soul.  I cried for humanity, and the direction we are taking ourselves without knowing it, and finally, I cried for Mother Earth, who must create the events necessary to teach for children, most of which are sleeping.  Some are awakening, but don't know which direction to take, and I am ever thankful, to be at a place today where I understand where I fall in her plan...

Soon thereafter we experienced an Earthquake here.  It's was a 6.9 in Baja to the south of us.  It occured almost simultenously to my own overflow of emotion.  At first I thought my head was shaking and swaying from the impact of my own strong emotion by what I had read and the beautiful native chanting that moved me so........

Now I beleive, and just as I had asked earlier this Easter Day, to receive a clear sign to show me I am on my path, and It came with such a powerful, miraculous impact.  Today, I am awakened to new resolutions, higher goals, dreams, and desires.  A stronger will to live and change the world and heal the earth and heal humanity.  Hope has been renewed.  My faith has been restored.