Saturday, February 25, 2012


Hi and congratulations for the new little soul coming into the world
part of our learning here is to experience many situations and how to handle them, so we take that wisdom with us into the future.
We need healthy boundaries in our lives, so we keep out what isnt right, healthy or happy for us and our highest of good.
Always honor and respect your self and your truth, it is alright to move on from what doesnt serve us a positive or good purpose in our life.
We do not have to feel guilty about doing what we need to do for ourselves at any time in our lives.
If we are living to a false happiness with another or in a certain situation that we know we dont want to be in, then we are not living to our true self or life as we were meant to.
Your ex is where he is by his actions, he has alot to learn yet in his life and those lessons belong to him not you there is more to this person that is negative than you know there is the warning.
I hope you allow yourself to free yourself up from this situation, and move on to a brighter more positive future, i see a more gentle genuine, kind soul coming into your life who will look after you and your little one, he will be very different to what you have experienced in the way of men in your life.
he will be very kind and understanding i see something around his neck he wears that is special to him, anyway you will know he is different when you meet him in divine timing, you are being looked after in many ways so dont fear making any changes for yourself and your baby that will benefit you in more positive ways you do have alot to look forward to in the future now is only now, you will get through this focus on your health, your baby and all the joy you are going to have with this little one i feel somone close to you in spirit that you knew and loved is giving you a helping hand and watching over you and have been worried about you when you got mixed up with this one, so there is alot of love and help around you
Nanna Linda.

a sugar cube

I loved him when he had nothing to offer me but a smile and his love...