They are here. They are us. They are higher beings present with us through Spirit shining light onto our beautiful and infinitely wise mother earth. But they look upon her and protect her as if she were a child. The secret is that Earth is a child of the Universe. She is born with unconditional love and protection from even Greater Forces embodying the Universe infinite love. Earth is being watched over all over the galaxies and dimensions by higher beings far and wide. They embody Christ Consciousness reflecting the unconditional love we are given and were born to experience as beings created by love. All are breathing consciousness and loving intentions into saving Earth as she is transforming into her ultimate potential as the galactic center in which as cosmic knowledge, light, and love energy are flowed and shared to create higher codes of light. These higher codes are transmitted to Earth and all creatures inhabiting the planet connected through the web of life. These light codes are pouring down in abundance through sunight, containing light information, to be assmilited by our bodies to hold and receive the light. We are also being whispered and guided divinely by the noble and benevolent beings beyond our Planet to help Earth raise her vibration. This guidance is perceived on earth as Angelic messengers, spirit guides, benevolent ET beings, and magical beings throughout all dimensions of space. We are given this support and guidance and unconditional love without question at all times we need it. All we need to do, is set our intention to love, and ask for their help.
The aliens are here, and throughout my whole life I have been in their care and cosmic guardianship, and only now, as the God part inside me is being shocked awake to remember who she really is and to allow herself to collect more light energy. I am humbled. She is shattering ripples throughout the Universe calling her intention to all who resonate in the frequency of love to transform and shift into a higher frequency to be able to hold more light. She is calling out to tell the Universe to awaken me, to my own calling and purpose:
I was incarnated here as a spiritual being to educate my soul and become as great and powerful a Star as I can be, a star child capable of creating infinite expressions of love and beauty, born by ecstasy and inspired by God's joy, and blessed with the miracle that continues to spread love- the ability to give back to the Universe by giving birth to my own stars. It brings me to my knees, seeing the plan God has for me, was to give back to God through my own spirit, as it continues to live as a part of my children, forever and ever changing life.
Okay so this is what you get when you do drugs and channel ET beings.... I really hope these are not demons tricking me into thinking they are benevolent, I really wouldnt know unless i get sober.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
i'm on one
so it needs to be short and truthful.
my brain is saturated with assurances that the angels are there. i trust.
i have been very aware of the presence of Archangel Micheal.
my brain is saturated with assurances that the angels are there. i trust.
i have been very aware of the presence of Archangel Micheal.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
In the past 3 days i've gotten 3 colonics and i have been 100% raw. The Hunters moon was last night. I honored my bodys cycle by relaxing and not going to work. Everything will be okay. I never have to worry about money. The Universe will take care of me, I've got the Ascended Masters and all my alien friends in the sky watching over me. I am God,s little angel in a human body.
Monday, October 18, 2010
I can barely remember the many dreams I had last night--except for the one where i was standing inside my house(It was only my house in the dream but it was an unfamiliar location) looking outside past the door and seeing some stranger try to get in. He looked like some deranged crackhead trying to violate and enter my home. I have these dreams all the time. Usually in my dreams i am panicking rushing to close and lock the door tight before they get in. Sometimes i am holding a gun or a knife. It's always a close one but they never get past me. Ha.
I think the message going through in this dream is that i am afraid to let strangers in begin I cannot control the chaos that will ensue should they cross the line and take advantage of my kindness. My dream is also telling me to take action and be careful of who I keep around me. They have the potential to make or break me if I would only listen to my own feelings about who and what they are. The "stranger" i see symbolizes that i should keep my guard up. It's always crackhead or a man i dont know. It gives me the feeling i should not let any men into my life at this time of growth and change. I would only be sidetracked. Or i would risk relapsing back to drugs.
Anyways, I didnt even fall asleep until 5 a.m. today, which is incredulous considering i walked a 10k marathon yesterday. Weird. It must be the weather changes.
I think the message going through in this dream is that i am afraid to let strangers in begin I cannot control the chaos that will ensue should they cross the line and take advantage of my kindness. My dream is also telling me to take action and be careful of who I keep around me. They have the potential to make or break me if I would only listen to my own feelings about who and what they are. The "stranger" i see symbolizes that i should keep my guard up. It's always crackhead or a man i dont know. It gives me the feeling i should not let any men into my life at this time of growth and change. I would only be sidetracked. Or i would risk relapsing back to drugs.
Anyways, I didnt even fall asleep until 5 a.m. today, which is incredulous considering i walked a 10k marathon yesterday. Weird. It must be the weather changes.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I dont feel well. It started about 2 hours ago, I felt nausceous and it came with a headache. In all likelyhood it is the junk food i've eaten throughtout today thats not agreeing with my body. I can't eat chips and candy the way i used to without feeling sick. I know its all good and theres a reason my body is responding this way- it means I'm truly healthy. I feel assured by this but the sickness i feel does not resonate with health at all.
Me & Jac1nda completed Aids Walk 2010 today, and I am really proud. It's a nice feeling of accomplishment telling yourself you're going to do something and commiting to it all the way through. Then hours later the junk food is starting to make me so uneasy in my mind and my body. I'm going through really intense emotional detoxing- I felt the strangest nausea on my way driving home. I did not feel good. I wonder whether I am responding to something thats shifting on the planet right now. I feel something in the air- something about to happen. I know tomorrow this will all be over. Everything will be okay if i can make it through tonights dreams. Then in the morning i can start fresh with a clean diet and moderation in my daily activities.
Me & Jac1nda completed Aids Walk 2010 today, and I am really proud. It's a nice feeling of accomplishment telling yourself you're going to do something and commiting to it all the way through. Then hours later the junk food is starting to make me so uneasy in my mind and my body. I'm going through really intense emotional detoxing- I felt the strangest nausea on my way driving home. I did not feel good. I wonder whether I am responding to something thats shifting on the planet right now. I feel something in the air- something about to happen. I know tomorrow this will all be over. Everything will be okay if i can make it through tonights dreams. Then in the morning i can start fresh with a clean diet and moderation in my daily activities.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
One day you'll be mine,
Ben Affleck.
Anyway me & Brand0n saw Let Me In yesterday night--
it was the sweetest vampire movie i have seen since Interview w the Vampire.
Then we had dessert at a bar in downtown Burb4nk.
We both had a somewhat serious discussion about how be both want to get sober
and stop drinking. It makes me really hopeful.
Annnnnd i have discovered the yummiest healthy chinese restaurant by my apartment. They have dim sum. :]
What elseeeeee,
I hung out w L3fty today. We made the best strawberry banana smoothie.
We used a fresh organic apple & nectarine juice base.
An im happy w the way thats going too
Im happy to see the improvement in my relationships due to my sobriety.
I dont just latch on to people- i allow healthy spaces.
So im happy w everything going on around me.
Thank you God.
Ben Affleck.
Anyway me & Brand0n saw Let Me In yesterday night--
it was the sweetest vampire movie i have seen since Interview w the Vampire.
Then we had dessert at a bar in downtown Burb4nk.
We both had a somewhat serious discussion about how be both want to get sober
and stop drinking. It makes me really hopeful.
Annnnnd i have discovered the yummiest healthy chinese restaurant by my apartment. They have dim sum. :]
What elseeeeee,
I hung out w L3fty today. We made the best strawberry banana smoothie.
We used a fresh organic apple & nectarine juice base.
An im happy w the way thats going too
Im happy to see the improvement in my relationships due to my sobriety.
I dont just latch on to people- i allow healthy spaces.
So im happy w everything going on around me.
Thank you God.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Hello October. :-)
What a jouyous season to be alive. :-)
I am just so happy.
I just came back from a peaceful trip to San Diego.
I love Thy. :-)
Everything is going smoothly,
and i am very hopeful and excited for the adventures to come.
I thank my Archangels and guides for their dedication in protecting me,
nurturing me, guiding me, and inspiring me.
I beilieve I am ushering myself with pride and respect and love
into the light, connecting back to my roots, with balanced mind and spirit,
and swimming in a sea of love and heavenly ascension.
Enlightenment is like perpetual ice cream sundaes to the mind in which
it nourishes it the way sugar does to a sweet tooth....
I am blossoming. :-)
Life, is grand and full of poetic prose and coincidence,
and beautfiully played in the eyes and ears of God and nature.
I am just so happy.
I just came back from a peaceful trip to San Diego.
I love Thy. :-)
Everything is going smoothly,
and i am very hopeful and excited for the adventures to come.
I thank my Archangels and guides for their dedication in protecting me,
nurturing me, guiding me, and inspiring me.
I beilieve I am ushering myself with pride and respect and love
into the light, connecting back to my roots, with balanced mind and spirit,
and swimming in a sea of love and heavenly ascension.
Enlightenment is like perpetual ice cream sundaes to the mind in which
it nourishes it the way sugar does to a sweet tooth....
I am blossoming. :-)
Life, is grand and full of poetic prose and coincidence,
and beautfiully played in the eyes and ears of God and nature.
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