Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This resonates with me : )

"...like light slow entering a dark room, that's how it is on earth. Multidimensional beings from other galaxies and universes are looking down at earth through a huge galactic microscope, because earth Gaia is where all biological life begins. We are a beautiful flower coming into bloom and everyone has been waiting to see this miraculous unfoldment. <3

I realize life is what you make it. if you are good loving and kind to every living breathing thing , you are protected by the light and the closer we get the the photon belt the more your true colors began to show ...let your light shine. believe and know that you make your reality , be kind to one another<3 no one can save you but you. feel with your heart, look deep into others eyes, and you'll receive the key to unlocking the secrets to their inner soul. friends will become enemies, family will become strangers, and  a lot of the time, you may feel alone- that is sacrifice of self. Stay strong, believe, uplift, and know that you are loved and nothing dark and evil can stand your pure light or be touched by your bright illuminating white light. for they burn in torture like a vampire caught by the suns ray, shine your light bright. <3
Hey! Hello! Wow!  Today has been a very exciting day for me so far.  =]  I went and had my 2nd colonics session done with a nice lady named L3ah at Cl3arway to He4lth W1thin.  She was a really intelligent woman- she knows wusup with the world today.  If you know what I mean.  She used this vibrating electric massages that really felt GREAT and looseded up my insides. I had a lot of stuff come out, from my gallbladder, and a lot of mucous and bile, lol.  I am extremely grateful for this experience, and to be purged of these toxins that clog up my system.  She said the mucous was from consuming dairy products, and it confirms what I believe (that milk does not do a body good).  So right now I feel healed, rejuvenated, and happy.  I really am! 

I just came home from Henry's too and I got some fruits & veggies. (organic avocados, organic kale, strawberries, organic blue corn chips, 7 salsa :P)  I have high hopes that my body will have a much easier time detoxing and cleansing, as I am eating such nutritious foods, and after my second colonic. Ever since my 1st one, I've been having a series of dreams every night, and I notice every night the dreams become more pleasant.  I have also noticed a positive change in my skin.  I am happy, and guess what?  I adopted a little strawberry plant!  I'm excited to watch her grow with loving intention.  I named her Beverly.  Today I am interested in doing research on the Pleiadian race and alien agenda again.  It's been awhile since I delved into the darker mysteries of life.  I'm just so inspired.  The night skies have been so beautiful lately, and I have been preparing my body for the full moon tonight. :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

I spent today relaxing outdoors and meditating with Mother Nature.  I gave her my thanks for my many blessings and I had a whole papaya by myself.  :]

Coooool down melt the sun sun sun.  I love this song<3

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am eating my daily salad which i made with ingredients from my garden: fresh green salad, red tomatoes, and I have garnished it with freshly picked rosemary and mint leaves.  I sprinkled lemon on it as a dressing.  Divine source tells me to sun bath my meals to obtain the maximum benefits of Vitamin D.  :)

Divine source also tells me that the best atmosphere to eat is outside, because sunlight helps me digest my food, and it also enhances my food.  I figured it out myself and I have been practicing eating this way for about a week.  : )

Yesterday I was at the supermarket picking avocados to find a ripe one and I met this old man who told me he walked 3 miles just for their 5 for 1 deal.  I was impressed by the distance he would go to eat his favorite food, and I acted kindly towards him- I couldn't help it, he was just the sweetest old man.  Before he left he said he had something for me, and he handed me a rare 50 cent coin.  I felt so special and was so grateful for his random act of kindness.  He left me smiling and saying, "I like to give to others...".  It moved me deeply.  I take it as a nudge of inspiration from the Universe to renew my own passion for giving to others. 

Today is my day off.  I'm going to spend some time outdoors and chill with Mother Nature, bring her presence into my body, and soak up her wonderful sunshine.  I also want to do some studying for anatomy, I'm really inspired to do well because my classmates have taken an interest in helping me excel. (I got a 22 on my first practical LOL) No one has ever offered me that type of help with my academics with such enthusiasm.  It makes me feel capable.  It's nice to have people believe in you.  I wanna show them how much it means to me, so I have made up my mind to take school more seriously and do some studying in my free time.  I am also excited about the things I am learning from David's S.S.S.  I have reached the Chapter on Food & Karma, and I feel like that s important knowledge.  I'm going to spend today unwinding, healing, enjoying the peace in my life, and eating nutritional foods that will heal my mind, body, and soul.  I am grateful, content, and excited to start todays journey.  I might even start taking my Raw K0mbucha vitamins.  :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The stars are so beautiful tonight.  They are shining and sparkling in the dark blue sky.  I wonder if I came from the brightest ones.

I had my first colonics today.  I was very tired from fasting.  The actual experience was mostly uncomfortable, but I feel good because I feel cleansed, and I am inspired to eat healthier.  (Is it possible to eat even more healthier than I do now?  Of course, theres always room for improvement).  My colon therapist was this pretty blonde girl named Rust y.  She was really professional and really nice.  My favorite part of the experience was sharing with her similar experiences, because we are both very spiritual.  She reccomended to me her favorite spiritual healer (which I plan on visiting once I get sufficient funds), and a book she is currently reading, called Anat0my of the S0ul.  I am excited to read it because she said it was in my zone.  :P

Monday, March 22, 2010

I am so excited to share with you about my mini fasting experience!  I started my first mini fast on Saturday. Basically I planned out to skip breakfast and lunch and not eat until 4 p.m.  It was actually a lemonade-water fast in which I drank only a tincture I made of lots of water blended with 1 lemon (with rind), and a tsp. of manuka honey and cayenne pepper.  I was expecting to be really emotionally involved with my hunger cravings, but to my ultimate surprise, I experienced very little deprivation.  I actually enjoyed my fast!  Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  I feel it was a beautiful gift for my body, and so I actually did the same mini-fast today.  My name plan is to make this an everyday thing and change it into a diet plan.  It seems to be working for me so far.  Not eating in the morning into the afternoon gives me a lot of energy (freed from digesting food) to work on mental projects and doing spiritual and nutritional research.  Up until the moment that I even have some solid food, I feel light, joyful, grateful, and very appreciative of my improved performance.  I feel generally lighter, like an energetic weight is lifted, as Alicia Silverst0ne likes to say.  Anyway, from now on I plan on having two small meals a day, not including my juices.

I also wanted to share with you that I've been spending much more time outdoors in my backyard/  I feel wonderufl about it.  When I am outside, I feel so relaxed and at peace, and happy to observe the beautiful wildlife around me, soaking in sunlight, which I believe is very beneficial for me, and sending out my good intentions to the world.  I have recently taking up sunbathing, watering the plants outside, and I even started a small compost site.  I delight in adding to it and watching things grow.  I have received many great inspirations simply while laying out on the back porch and reading my new David W0lfe book.  :)

I am honestly so appreciative of this time that I take to self reflect, and make my body clean and clear to receive and transmit positive light and energy.  I have been very much into soaking up the sunlight, prana, and taking in deep breathes of oxygen and fresh air.  I am enjoying detoxing, healthy fruits and vegetables, clean water, daily exercise, free time to study the subjects that interest me, and growing more conscious of this beautiful earth, and all the amazing gifts it has to offer me.  I am super excited as well, because I scheduled my first colonic for tomorrow, and I am curious as to see the immediate benefits it will offer my body.  I really want to show myself how dedicated I am to giving ME what I need that i have been neglecting for so long.  I wanna make it up to myself, and I truly feel like every moment has become an opportunity for me to show myself that I am a loving, caring person.    :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring, or the vernal equinox.  I feel deep inside that today holds some special significance to me in that I can fully sense a shift in my perception of nature in connection to my body- in preparation for the magical reality that is to come.  I can feel it's potential, power, and greatness ever so closely.

Last night I intuitively did not eat before bed although I was really hungry and had some trouble sleeping, but I awoke in great spirits and with high levels of energy.  I danced and laughed around my house, singing little made up poems that were so silly.  I felt an immense joy that seemed to bubble from inside me and overflow and shine and radiate my love and light out to the world.  

I started my cycle today and I was so happy and relived because I was 2 weeks late and I thought I was pregnant. I was trying to pull the courage from within myself to step up to the plate and be a mom, and honestly I was beginning to find that strength to believe that I could do it...but I suppose the Universe and I have decided on some level that I need more time to grow as a spirit. But more than that I feel like its somewhat magical that my body is so connected to the earth to the extent that my cycle so closely coincides with the vernal equinox.  

I'd like to believe that the seasons are sacred and I feel today I really experienced a full range of emotions that really embody the spirit of Spring: gratitude, celebration of life, rebirth, and a renewal of the spirit within.  I feel like I am trusting that it will guide me to the places I need to be, to do the work I need to do, and meet the people I was destined to connect to. I just wanna say that for today, I feel like I am at the right place, doing the right things, and am becoming more and more like the person I want and know I am destined to be. 

I seriously am IN LOVE with this pudding I made!  It's soo light, yet soo satisfying, and soooooo CREAMY and DELICIOUS.  And the bessst part is I made up the recipe myself!  It's super healthy!  :D

1 ripe red banana
1 organic hass avocado

Mash it together,  And enjoy!  :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Love is such a beautiful thing.  I love holding my cousins newborn.  It's so healing to me, and brings me so much peace.

Monday, March 15, 2010

I honestly have so much to be grateful for.  Every day I see more, understand more, know more.  It makes me want to learn more.  I am learning so much about myself and about my relationship to this earth.  

Today is special because I got my first David W0lfe book in the mail.  :)

I also went grocery shopping at Henry's again.  I got some red bananas, organic avocados, maca powder, honeydew, strawberries, greek yogurt, young cocunut, raw almonds, and digestive enzymes.  I cannot wait to add these to my diet, and I have high hopes of becoming healthier, smarter, stronger!.

Friday, March 12, 2010

*gasp* I have discovered Henry's Farmers Market, and now I am so excited by the fact that I can eat organically without burning a hole in my wallet.  I have already decided that healthy food is worth being a priority on my list, but finding this awesome supermarket is going to change my life and diet forever, I know it.  I got 2 boxes full of fresh fruits and vegetables for only $17.26.  Can you friggin believe it?  Now i'm all excited, and i'm blissfully aware.  
It was strange how I discovered it too, because I spontaneously imagined that a trip to visit Henry's would be a nice change from always shopping at Ralphs.  I wanted to change things up and add a little novelty to my daily routine, (I am so pleased by the results).  This is the way to live, I can feel it, this is the way to be!  I am honestly coming from a place of gratitude and wonder and appreciation at the immense joy that life can bring when you are in alignment with your true self. 
Another cool thing about shopping there was seeing all the amazing natural products that they sold! And for considerable less than what you would expect fresh produce would cost.  The guys that worked there were super friendly too!  I was picking up on all kinds of fantastic vibes, I left the market in such high spirits.  I just felt soooo good!  :) 

Anyways let me list the all the produce that I got for just $17.26:
-blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, mushrooms, organic kale, organic spinach, navel oranges, red grapefruit, carrots, corn bisque soup, and miso soup. 

I wanted to eat the best food ever, and I led myself to exactly that:  organic, fresh, healthy produce- at a farmer's market a mere 5 minutes from my home!  Life is promising, isn't it?  :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

David tells me that I am "a young and beautiful girl with loads of potental".  And then goes on to say "did i mention ur gorgeous?".  And now i've had a total confidence boost.  I am really feeling the love all around me, wherever I go.  I smile more and meet the most amazing people, even if it's just a brief light-hearted conversation at Walgreens with a pretty girl.  Yesterday in class I made this guy named Noel break out in fits of laughter simply by pumping my fist in the air and saying, "WOOOOOO". (As done by Bender from Futurama.).  

Life is wonderful, magical, worthwhile, fantastic, uh-MAZINgg.  I just bought some strawberries and bananas yesterday.  I want to make a smoothie and maybe try out the hemp powder and spirulina for the first time.  I am tempted to make an avocado-banana-cacao pudding, too- YUM!~But right now I am having most possibly the BEST salad ever in my life:  seriously!  I is a stir fry of celery, shrimp, freshly picked garden rosemary, onions, pineapple, and cilantro.  Delicious sounding, yes??  But even more deliciouse sounding!!!  I love how good it feels to treat my self good and be good to my body, mind, and soul.  It's divine.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I saw Emers0n today for the first time in a couple of months.  We went to N0rthridge Mall and I actually had a good time with him.  And I actually did not smoke.  And I actually let myself indulge and have some chili cheese fries at Tommies.  Which were so good that even thinking about it now gives me minimal guilt.  

I remember during the summer Emerson would drop everything he was doing to come get me and take me out to eat or somewhere to spend the night.  I used to treat him so bad but I want to be a better friend.  I take for granted how down for me he is.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I've been finding so much joy in the small moments of my life.  Even when I am all by myself, sometimes my laughter could just fill up the whole room.  I love this.  Ever since I came back from Vietnam, I have been doing as much research as I can into holistic healing, and as I delve deeper and deeper into this subject I have found out so much fascinating and profound information on how to live for consciously.  I have learned just how important my relationship to nature is, and how important my relationship to myself.  Today, I realized that the most important thing I can focus on right now is self-honestly.  I believe this will enable me to move forward and more fully shine my light wherever I go!  :)
I got my books delivered to me in the mail today.  I am so happy!  I'm excited to read them, they are:

Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousins
The Only Answer to Cancer by Leonard Coldwell.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have been fortunate enough to have had the following foods included in my diet the past couple of days:

pennywort, plums, papaya, pineapple, kumquats, organic avocado, strawberries, bananas,

And much more healthy fruits and vegetables, including freshly picked garden herbs and salad.  
I have been feeling so well, and so full of love, and I have been thinking clearly, and with a growing awareness of how amazing my reality could become if I continue with my raw living.  I am blessed to be alive in such exciting times.. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I just made the most satisfying, but light chocolate pudding.  All I did was blend up:
1 frozen banana, 1 banana, 1/2 cup of water, and 2 heaping tablespoons of raw cacao powder. 
It was delicious and perfect for my craving for something sweet, and it filled me up pretty well. I wish I had some avocado because I have a feeling it would have made the pudding so much more creamy and buttery- plus I love the taste of avocado.  I would say it's my favorite food right now!  : )

LAtely i've been eating less throughtout the way and adding more nutrient dense foods into my diet.  I'm happy because everyday I am gradually feeling more well.  I went to WholeFoods yesterday and bought some goji berries and for the first time: SPIRULINA & AFA (BLUE GREEN ALGAE).  :D

This is something I feel really good about because I really believe this will work and my health will improve.  I've been juicing everyday too.  In the past week i've juiced up cups and cups of SPINACH, DANDELION GREENS, and now i'm on CENTELLA.  I'm doing a lot of research into the raw food diet and I'm really being inspired by people like David W0lfe, and Matthew Warn3r- both are live foodists.  I like best their philosophy on life.  I'm really grateful that the Universe led me here to be interested in such things that have potential to change my life for the better, and give me inspiration to live more consciously.  I feel lucky.  

Monday, March 1, 2010

About 1 month ago, and I was preparing for my Anthropology final and I remember I was also studying frequency attunement.  I was really happy to begin putting my knowledge into practice. Everytime I was in a state of pure hapiness/excitement I would take the time to send out my wishes.   I wrote on an index card 3 wishes that I really wanted to manifest at the time.

1. Ace Anthropology.
2. Get car for spring semester.
3. $1,000 to spend on wardrobe & food.

Anyways I was found the index card while cleaning out my school folder, and It shocked me to realize all that I had desired had come into fruition- I now have so much more faith in my ability as a co-creator with the Universe.  I'm only beginning to experiment with my power as a magical being, and now that I beleive- life has so many open oppurtunities for me.  I want to eventually exist in the "shamanic reality" that David Wolfe spoke about in a video I was watching. 

I'm really happy with the improvements i've made since i gave up my old habits and started on a raw diet.  I'm about 75% raw now on most days, and I only expect things to get better and better.  I'm so thankful that the Universe led me towards this more conscious way of living.