Friday, March 19, 2010

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring, or the vernal equinox.  I feel deep inside that today holds some special significance to me in that I can fully sense a shift in my perception of nature in connection to my body- in preparation for the magical reality that is to come.  I can feel it's potential, power, and greatness ever so closely.

Last night I intuitively did not eat before bed although I was really hungry and had some trouble sleeping, but I awoke in great spirits and with high levels of energy.  I danced and laughed around my house, singing little made up poems that were so silly.  I felt an immense joy that seemed to bubble from inside me and overflow and shine and radiate my love and light out to the world.  

I started my cycle today and I was so happy and relived because I was 2 weeks late and I thought I was pregnant. I was trying to pull the courage from within myself to step up to the plate and be a mom, and honestly I was beginning to find that strength to believe that I could do it...but I suppose the Universe and I have decided on some level that I need more time to grow as a spirit. But more than that I feel like its somewhat magical that my body is so connected to the earth to the extent that my cycle so closely coincides with the vernal equinox.  

I'd like to believe that the seasons are sacred and I feel today I really experienced a full range of emotions that really embody the spirit of Spring: gratitude, celebration of life, rebirth, and a renewal of the spirit within.  I feel like I am trusting that it will guide me to the places I need to be, to do the work I need to do, and meet the people I was destined to connect to. I just wanna say that for today, I feel like I am at the right place, doing the right things, and am becoming more and more like the person I want and know I am destined to be. 

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