Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cat Sanctuary,

Last night i dreamt that I was in a dark lair underground that was filled with glam goth clothing and accesorries.  There were netted black shirts, black dresses, spiked glittery black heels, black everything.  I was so excited to put them all in a black canvas bag.  I was with my cousins Ngan and Jacinda and at one point we decided we were to hurry out as to enjoy the rest of the night before we were caught leaving the lair.  My cousins were not as interested in the glam goth fashion items as me.  I hurriedly tried to stuff more into my bag.  They crawled into a small tunnel wide enough for one person to crawl through at a time.  Ngan first, then Jacinda, then me.  As we were rushing out i heard the owner of the lair enter the cave we had just exited. I heard them shout for us to come back and then I heard them pursue us.  I thought FUCK this is not good because they would catch me first since I was in the back.  When I heard them run up behind me i decided to cut to the left real quick at a fork and crawl into another tunnel.  That way I had the opportunity to get out faster instead of being backed up by the people in front of me.
I continued to crawl in the darkness, tramping on four feet through and i hurriedly escaped towards the light at the end.  I was thrust into an open meadow.  It was a beautiful dreamy sunny day.  It felt like morning somewhere.  There were beautiful italianesque apartments that were decorated with an abundance of potted wildflowers.  To my right a beautiful meadow with 3 feet high tall yellow grass.  I crawled past the old world architecture and waded through the grass.  When i realized i was safe in this new place i relaxed hidden inside the grass.  I heard meowing and realized there were kittens everywhere!  It was some sort of beautiful kitten sanctuary.  A heaven underneath the sunshine with fresh air and flowers and i felt so protected here.  Within a few feet of me i crawled to a furball wrapped in yellow straw... i unwrapped the straw and discovered a beautiul bright orange-brown kitten with startling luminescent green eyes.  It had come to me and i knew immediately who it was.  It was Reba.  She looked so unlike herself but I knew it was her.  We were so happy for a moment.  And then I woke up.

I love how every once in awhile she visits me in my dreams- just to say hi.  I always know when its her.  I feel like i had travelled to some sort of cat heaven or cat sanctuary in my dream.  It was so beautiful.  Kindof like the meadow in The Lovely Bones- but with flowers and old world italian architecture.  I know this place exists somewhere.  It felt like a place so beautiful- you cant even begin to imagine where on earth it would be. This is where cats go when they die, while they wait for their owners. :)

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