Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I just had an epiphany. 
Lately, i've been increasingly more irritated by people who flake without proper notice, people who lie, people who can't stick to their word.  I feel like my respect for certain friends is dropping like flies.  The way I see it:  If it's important, you make the time for it.  You prioritize.  You move your schedule around to make it happen.  You set alarms, you enter it into your calender, you write a fucken post-it. Yes?! I don't even want to waste a single breath on people who put no effort in anymore to maintain a friendship.  No more "second chances".  I'm just done with it, done with the disappointments & the futile attempts.  I haven't been seeing people clearly; I see hopeful dimes when they are nickels. 

So the epiphany is- i considered that when things in the outside world upset us, 99.9% of the time, there is also an underlying issue that has to do with ourselves.  So I thought about these disappointing traits in people; which is to be willy nilly and not stick to their promises & prior engagements... and i realize I do it to.  But i do it in another avenue: I do it at work; i do it to my managers.  I don't show up on scheduled shifts, i'm flaky, etc.  This needs to change, PRONTO. Until i change this area in my life that is lacking in integrity; i will constantly engage flaky people and invite them into my universe. 

So goodbye; flakes.  Goodbye liars.  Goodbye people who dont try hard enough.
I can do better. I WILL be better!!

Be well.

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