Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm dreaming again. Last night i had the strangest flurry of dreams. I started off with me and Ngan on the beach ridin the surf at night. We were on a quad and the night was illuminated with saucer shaped space crafts all around us. We were in the middle of an invasion. They were lit up on both sides of us into two lines- like we were in the center of a target shapped like the number 11. They were shooting but not hitting us.
Then i was in the city walking past a center where this old man worked. I had been warned that he was crazy and it scared me so badly. I felt like i would get cursed or he would try to harm me and attack my spiritually so i tried to run across his shop. But somehow i got magnetically dragged to the doorstep and ended up having to give his aide a ride somewhere. I was completely uncomfortable the whole time that "he" might show up. I dropped off the aide and started walking home. I just wanted to get the hell away from the impending danger i felt behind me. It was dusk and the sun started to disappear as i was on the road. It looked like the streets i used to walk home on from Burroughs. I remember turning back and seeing this girl from highschool and my ex best friend Joey- i wanted to walk with them to feel safer but they walked another direction.

So i turned back onto the road- suddenly felt the weirdest burst of energy- and decided to start flying. (This is how i usually start flying in dreams). I just took off into the skies. I flew wildly soaring and ascended higher into the sky. It was dark and beautiful and i heard the turbulence all around me. I perceived waaves of rainbow dreamlike patterns and colors in the skies. I actually was flying at greater speeds and heights than in any dream before. I was just utterly free- and i felt no fear anymore- just a need to keep going, to fly higher and farther- to stabilize my flight and keep soaring. It felt amazing.

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