Saturday, May 1, 2010

I had my first Biofeedback session today- and the experience was INCREDIBLE!!!  My biofeedback technician was extremely competent, well researched, and he lended me many great insights about my own life, and helped me develop some very powerful affirmations.  Needless to say- this guy truly is passionate about helping people.  I am extremely grateful for this creative experience.  He ran some programs on me and sent me back some frequencies to harmonize me and heightened my stress response abilities.  I felt super fluid, and super receptive, and felt a very high energetic state after my session, as well as an extreme emotional well-being and feeling like life was easy & I was well-equipped with everything I'll ever need to make it and be happy & be successful, I experienced pure joy and I am elated to know that this experience is open to me always.  I am a super happy lito turkey~~!!!!!  There's just so much going on for me at the present and so much I have to look forward to!!!!  My life is an open book: Interesting, magical, Inviting, and full of promise & possibilities, I am quite frankly, floored by the impact of seeing my life come together so beautifully and with such magnificnece and abundance- right before my very eyes.  I am enjoying excellent health, meeting amazing spirited passionate people, and I even bleached my hair again- and i LOVE the color it turned out.  I really believe I deserve this, and I know there's more to come, I cant wait!!!!  : )