Monday, October 31, 2016

Hey Journal, Happy Halloween!

Today is another beautiful Halloween 2016.  I woke up and made Tanny Raw's Cake Batter Smoothie, and then I did a 30 minute yoga session with Ali Kamenova on youtube.  I love doing exercises on the floor.  Lately, or the past 2 weeks, i've been doing my morning yoga again.  I feel great, I love including my yoga practice into my daily routine.  The benefits that I feel are emotional, mental, and probably psychological too, as well as helping me to build a stronger healthier body.  I've been more patient, peaceful, and calm.  

We are going to close early a 6 pm today.  I've been happy because starting last month we now take a day off, and we got annual passes to Disney land and we go all the time.  :)  Anyways, I just wanted to include a quick entry because I know i can go a full year with barely any entries.  I'm really happy also because I have been vegan now since before July 2016!  I don't have a vegan birthdate, but if I did, I would celebrate it on July 1!  (Amazingly also my sobriety date).  :)  Anyways, i'm glad to be enjoying life..  I'm technically living out one of my dreams and it's awesome whenever I realize that.