Saturday, January 28, 2017

Today is the first day

Today is the first day that I wore a hijab.  Also it is the first day that I posted a picture on my Instagram.  I had a lot of nervousness of what my friends and family would think, but so far, I've had a lot of amazing feedback and encouragement from my friends.  Wallahi, what a relief.  I'm really encouraged now to just go all out because deep down, I know that it's what I have to do.

Anyways,  work has been so good.  I'm really happy because ever since the light of Islam touched my heart, I have been making sure to spend time in sujood and offer my 5 daily prayers.  I know I am not making the proper salat, but my duas I try to be so sincere and honest.  Why do people pretend to not be sinners?  we all sin, why do we make so light of it and try to cover it up?  Anyway just some thoughts.

Today is Vietnamese (Chinese ) New Years Eve!  Tet!  I'm going to try to clean my house as much as possible.  I'v always been so keen on that!  I already started my day with fajr, then 45 minutes of yoga, then I just got ready and changed to take pictures, even though it was only a selfie from the neck up.  Man I need to get myself a professional photographer, lmao.  Anyway- I feel like I've updated enough;  Alhumdulilah for everything. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

ATB feat. Melissa Loretta - If It's Love [Distant Earth 2011]

If it's L O V E
Then it' ll conquer
All the rage & doubt within . . .

I love my life, my lord Allah, my Deen, my Oman, my good deeds, my righteous seeking heart, i love my family, mom dad, brother, my boyfriend who i consider my husband in my heart, my Toru & Arnie and my home <3

ATB feat. Melissa Loretta - If It's Love [Distant Earth 2011]