Monday, July 15, 2013


I had a really hurtful dream last night.  Someone used my atm card to reserve a motel room to smoke meth or something.  It was Flak0.  Very upsetting.  *picks up crowbar threateningly*

Monday, July 1, 2013


I had a flurry of dreams last night and i can only remember the last scene in which I was in a swamp forest somewhere with other adults much older than me outside of a trailer.  They looked like people from the boonies, 2 old ladies and 2 old men,  They reminded me of Adam Sandler's mom on the Waterboy.  One of the old ladies busted out with some peanut butter jelly sandwiches for everyone and i was sooo happy.  They were like french toasted large peanut butter jelly filled sandwiches and drizzled with honey on top!  So delicious!  I must try that combination.  The best part was in my dream i actually tasted the sandwich!  And the peanut butter! and the honey!  It was all TOO good.  I'm drooling just thinking about it,  In my dream the adults i was with, we were on a mission, or about to go on a hunt of some sort.  We definitely we taking a break to discuss our agenda.  I wish i could remember what it was.